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Open records and meetings links, resources.
Many Web links are born to die. Even if that should happen with those below, this list can still be of value.
Obtain the story by trying the headline or keywords in a search engine for another link, check the online archives or back issues of the news organization involved, or use Lexis-Nexis or other commercial databases that might be available to you or through your local public library.
May 31, 2008
Florida Sunshine Review:
Florida Times-Union, by Tia Mitchell: Jacksonville Sheriff’s Office fees for public records copies are several times more than state law specifies …
Sarasota Herald-Tribune, by Zac Anderson: Accusations of behind-the-scenes dealing in Venice ramp up requests for public records and raise questions …
Sarasota Herald-Tribune, by Kim Hackett: Council member in Venice apologizes for possible violation of state public records law …
Fort Myers News-Press editorial: Crist keeps the sun shining for open government in capital…
Fort Myers News-Press, column by attorney Joe Adams (not the iDig Joe Adams): Records of condo associations must be made available to members …
May 29, 2008
Logjam snarls contractor complaints: Mc Nelly Torres of the South Florida Sun-Sentinel tapped complaint and other records from the Florida Department of Business and Professional Regulation to peg a dramatic rise in complaints about unlicensed contractors in recent years along with a state backlog in getting to them. The story says consumer complaints against contractors are up 83 percent over the past four years, with jumps during and after the active hurricane seasons of 2004 and 2005. Check out these numbers: 5,733 complaints were filed in 2003 followed by 8,758 in 2004, 11,557 in 2005 and 10,498 in 2006. Enforcement staffing, meanwhile, has stayed flat.
May 28, 2008
State knew about toxic Pinellas plume in 1999, records show: Public records can shed light on crucial agency decisions with consequences on public safety. In this case, for instance, Mark Douglas of News Channel 8 and Carlos Moncada of The Tampa Tribune report on documents that showed state regulators knew a toxic chemicals from industrial waste was migrating from a defense plant toward the Azalea neighborhood at least nine years ago and long before residents did. The records show a Florida Department of Environmental Protection staffer was concerned enough that he prepared a letter for the agency’s district director by 2001. The letter instructed plant owner Raytheon Network Centric Systems to relook the risk to the public and to alert neighbors with irrigation wells. The letter was never sent, and tests have since shown eight homes near the plant with contaminated irrigation wells. The DEP, after initially saying there was no health risks, says the risks are now unclear. This revealing story also includes a link to an irrigation wells database with reports, maps, videos, documents and stories.
May 26, 2008
Money no issue in investigating Boca Raton area abductions, killings: Public records can provide the taxpayer side of issues that might be overlooked otherwise. Spending records obtained by Leon Fooksman of the South Florida Sun-Sentinel indicate aggressive spending on a nine-member task force investigating a series of abductions and killings linked to the Town Center mall in Boca Raton. The records show the task force formed in January has spent more than $108,000, with almost $94,000 for officer overtime pay and $14,700 in DNA testing. A federal grant will cover the money spent on overtime. The story says Boca Raton police and Palm Beach County deputies “are trying to determine if the Dec. 12 slayings of a mother and her 7-year-old daughter are related to an August carjacking and robbery of a 30-year-old woman and her 2-year-old son and the March 2007 killing of a 52-year-old mother who lived west of Boca Raton." This story also includes a link to a database with five years of violent crime data at South Florida malls.
Records roll call:
Audit, property appraisals, Florida Department of Law Enforcement records: Sarah Okeson of Florida Today on a proposed $2 million state land buy along the Indian River that raises several concerns, in part from an auditor’s report that said the purchase “would not be based on sound valuation, would not be consistent with the public purpose for land acquisition by governmental agencies, and is not necessary" ...
Jail records, arrest report, Florida Department of Corrections prison records: Neil Johnson of The Tampa Tribune about a registered sexual offender released from prison on November who is now charged with raping a 10-year-old girl in Tampa …
Federal campaign contribution records: Jim Saunders of the Daytona Beach News-Journal on fundraising efforts by New Smyrna Beach Democrat Suzanne Kosmas to unseat U.S. Rep. Tom Feeney in the District 24 post in Congress …
School district leave records, city meeting records: Ihosvani Rodriguez of the South Florida Sun-Sentinel on Hollywood city commissioner Beam Furr defending his use of leave time from his library job at Flanagan High School ...
Florida Sunshine Review:
Fort Myers News-Press, by Jim Ash: Sunshine Law supporters beaming over how open government fared with recent legislative session …
Missouri Associated Press, analysis by David A. Lieb: Missouri governor responds to Sunshine Law violation allegations by retaliating with his own use of Missouri’s open-records law …
Hot off the presses:
Thomas Conner of the Chicago Sun-Times writes about the MTV reality show “The Paper," which follows the staff of the Circuit, the student newspaper at Cypress Bay High School in Florida’s very own Weston …
May 25, 2008
Florida Sunshine Review:
Orlando Sentinel, by Josh Robbins: State schools are inconsistent going public with records …
Sarasota Herald-Tribune, by Kim Hackett: Sunshine lawsuit against city of Venice by activist stirs up talk, speculation …
Sarsota Herald-Tribune, by Kim Hackett: City manager claims Sunshine Law was violated …
Florida Times-Union, by Paul Pinkham: State attorney candidates in Jacksonville share views on open government laws …
Stuart News editorial: Florida’s open meeting law still enables government to pull down the shades …
Sarasota Herald-Tribune: Sarasota resident files complaint against Venice officials, alleging Sunshine Law violations …
May 12, 2008
Florida Sunshine Review:
Highland Today editorial: Negotiation with proposed Highlands County administrator illustrates how fortunate Floridians are to have strong government access laws …
Bradenton Herald, column by Joan Krauter: Let’s keep the Sunshine beaming for Trailer Estates residents …
Florida Times-Union, by Paul Pinkham: Times-Union plans to sue state attorney over handling of probe records …
Sarasota Herald-Tribune, by Anthony Cormier: Sarasota County Sheriff’s Office accused of violating Florida’s open meetings law …
Sarasota Herald-Tribune: Venice mayor disputes claim that Sunshine Law was broken …
Stuart News editorial: Fellsmere follies trample open government and taxpayers …
Highlands Today, by Bill Rettew Jr.: Local public watchdog Preston Colby is back in court seeking public records …
Sarasota Herald-Tribune, by Kim Hackett: Venice Mayor Ed Martin denies violation of Sunshine Law …
Boca Raton News, by John Johnston: Proposed "Voice of the People Act" on meetings draws mixed reviews …
Broward New Times, The Daily Pulp blog by Bob Norman: Public records request shows how in government gets around the spirit of and intent of the Sunshine Law …
Bradenton Herald editorial: Manatee County needs to upgrade its act in following-open government laws …
Florida Times-Union, by Kevin Turner: Fernandina Beach Inn owners legal actions include allegation of Sunshine Law violation …
South Florida Sun-Sentinel, by Sarah Talalay: Suit against new Marlins ballpark moves forward but open records violation point dismissed by judge …
Daytona Beach News-Journal, by Mark I. Johnson: Public records access getting easier in New Smyrna Beach …

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