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Open records and meetings links, resources.
Many Web links are born to die. Even if that should happen with those below, this list can still be of value.
Use it to help locate important stories about freedom of information in Florida and sometimes elsewhere. Obtain the story through the archives or back issues of the news organization involved, try the headline or keywords in a search engine for another link, or use Lexis-Nexis or other databases that might be available to you or through your local library.
January 24, 2010
Florida Sunshine Review:
Gainesville Sun, by Christopher Curry: Court says Alachua County violated state’s public records law …
Florida Times-Union, by Kevin Turner: Florida county clerks work to make filing court documents more convenient …
Fort Myers News-Press editorial: E-filing gives public more access to courts …
Fort Myers News-Press, by Pat Gillespie: What e-filing would mean for savings and access …
The Ledger, by Tom Palmer: Polk County working on text message policy regarding public records issue …
Jacksonville Observer: Appeals court allows Florida Times-Union to blog from DreShawna Davis trial …
Florida Times-Union, by Steve Patterson: Jacksonville judge puts new limits on blogging again in Davis trial …
Citizen Media Law Project blog, by David O’Brien: Florida court restricts reporter’s use of laptop during Jacksonville murder trial …
January 21, 2010
‘American Idol’ contestant Skii Bo Ski has criminal past in Orlando: Public records are a basic in background checks of all kinds – even for American Idol contestants. Susan Jacobson of the Orlando Sentinel used criminal history records for this story about the rap sheet of show contestant Antonio “Skii Bo Ski” Wheeler. Notes the story: “His first arrest was in 2004, when he was a juvenile, on a charge of contempt of court. Subsequent charges have included violation of probation, possession of a controlled substance, battery by a detainee in a detention facility, possession of cocaine, escape during transport, possession of marijuana with intent to distribute and resisting arrest.” The newspaper notes it got on to the story from celebrity gossip Web site Radaronline.com. This story also uses civil lawsuit records to look at Wheeler’s activity on the suing side.
January 17, 2010
State House candidate has financial issues in her past, says she made good on debts: This story by Janet Zink of the St. Petersburg Times illustrates how public records play an important role in bringing the backgrounds of political candidates into public focus. In this story, circuit court clerk records helped Zink report on the history of financial problems for Janet Cruz, a Democratic candidate running for a District 58 House seat in a special election. Among Cruz’s difficulties: worthless check charges and a foreclosure in the 1990s. Cruz told the newspaper she later got her finances in order.
Florida Sunshine Review:
Florida Times-Union, by Steve Patterson: Judge shuts down Times-Union blogger in murder trial with newspaper to appeal …
Florida Times-Union, by Steve Patterson: Times-Union appeals blogging order, which the judge in murder trial changed …
TCPalm.com editorial: Public officials must use social networking sites wisely or face consequences …
Orlando Sentinel, by Jeannette Rivera-Lyles: No question text messages of pubic officials about public business are the public’s business and should be public records …
Florida Today, by Susanne Cervenka: Palm Bay makes finances and spending available online …
Jacksonville Observer: Florida Supreme Court to review whether jurors can use electronic devices while in court to post on Twitter or Facebook or do research …
Panama City News-Herald editorial: Gaps in Sunshine Law for public-private entities needs more attention …
Northwest Florida Daily News editorial: Great Northwest Sunshine Law controversy perhaps offers a teachable moment …
January 11, 2010
Florida Sunshine Review:
Panama City News Herald, by Matt Dixon: Sunshine Law bill would clarify how open government provisions apply to public-private groups …
South Florida Sun-Sentinel, by editorial cartoonist Chan Lowe: Public officials always looking for ways to do business outside the sunshine …
Panama City News Herald, by Pat Rice: Walton County learns the cost of clouding Sunshine Law in settling lawsuit with Edgewater Beach Owners Association …
TCPalm.com editorial: State lobbyist records show there’s a difference between access to public records and accuracy of public records … Sarasota Herald-Tribune, by Doug Sword: Plaintiffs say Sarasota County commissioners did not make decisions in public on Orioles stadium deal …
Panama City News-Herald, by Matt Dixon: Attorney General ruling on application of Sunshine Law is partly cloudy regarding Florida’s Great Northwest corporation …
Panama City News Herald editorial: Attorney General opinion on Great Northwest shows need for clarification regarding economic development group and open government laws …
Orlando Sentinel editorial: SunRail e-mail handling by Florida Department of Transportation needs further review …
St. Petersburg Times, by Susan Taylor Martin: Asher data mining project thrills some and worries others …
Lakewood Ranch Herald, by James A. Jones Jr.: Domestic violence victims get hand with address confidentiality …

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