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HOT!: Catch the latest Florida open government news with The Florida Sunshine Review ...
Open records and meetings links, resources.
Many Web links are born to die. Even if that should happen with those below, this list can still be of value.
Obtain the story by trying the headline or keywords in a search engine for another link, check the online archives or back issues of the news organization involved, or use Lexis-Nexis or other commercial databases that might be available to you or through your local public library.
January 30, 2009
Florida Sunshine Review:
Miami Herald, by Alex Leary: Florida House Speaker Sansom probe now involves Northwest Florida State College Trustees …
Sarasota Herald-Tribune, by Kim Hackett: City of Venice places new limits on officials’ use of e-mails …
Sarasota Herald-Tribune editorial: City of Venice wisely enacts new rules to protect and preserve electronic public records …
January 26, 2009
Florida Sunshine Review:
Associated Press, by Brendan Farrington: Commission on Open Government OKs proposals to Gov. Charlie Crist that will be taken up by state lawmakers …
Fort Myers News-Press: Florida attorney general criticizes meeting involving House Speaker Ray Sansom and community college board …
Sarasota Herald-Tribune, by Kim Hackett: Sunshine Law is being revamped to keep pace with technology advances …
Daytona Beach News-Journal, by Jim Saunders: More public access urged about government activities in Florida …
Ocala Star-Banner, by Lloyd Dunkelberger: Policy changes would give public more access to government records …
January 25, 2009
Florida Sunshine Review:
Tallahassee Democrat, by Bill Cotterell: Fees for open records spark division among members of the state’s Commission on Open Government …
Naples Daily News, by Liam Dillon: Florida Gulf Coast University bypasses open records law in selecting firm for school’s highest-profile project …
Palm Beach Post, by Joel Engelhardt: Some Palm Beach County commissioners just don’t get that the Sunshine Law means what it says …
Tallahassee Democrat edtiorial: Obama’s public records order echoes moves by Florida Gov. Charlie Crist …
Bradenton Herald, by Sylvia Lim: Court asked to settle dispute involving Manatee County and man seeking up to 6,000 names, addresses and telephone numbers of employees and dependents …
January 19, 2009
Critical flaws in Florida’s 911 system: The Sarasota Herald-Tribune’s Zac Anders reviewed discipline and complaint reports about 911 centers across the state to conclude that Florida 911 workers annually “make hundreds of critical errors that endanger lives and leave people waiting for help.” This story, the first of three parts, points out that Florida’s 911 centers lack uniform standards, mandated training and have little oversight. The piece also points out all kinds of problems, from sending help to the wrong address to simply deciding not to send help when it is needed. Related links include graphics on standards and accreditation along with actual audio of troubling 911 calls. Very interesting reading from the first story like this I’ve seen in Florida.
January 18, 2009
Broward County officials are traveling on your dime: A sweeping review of travel records by Jennifer Gollan of the South Florida Sun-Sentinel involving Broward County taxing districts and elected officials in 31 local governments turned up plenty of questionable billings to taxpayers by officials, including luxury hotels and chauffeured rides. Lauderhill Mayor Richard Kaplan, Hallandale Beach Mayor Joy Cooper and Pembrook Pines Mayor Frank Ortis are among the officials who went to conferences within 35 miles or less and charged taxpayers for multi-night stays at expensive hotels. Five Central Broward Water Control District officials tagged taxpayers for $380 so their spouses and children could join them at parties in Key West and Key Largo during conferences. And those are just a few of the examples. The story includes a sidebar about various other travel expenses since January 2007 along with a separate look at Palm Beach County officials and their billing exploits.
Florida Sunshine Review:
South Florida Sun-Sentinel, by Ihosavani Rodriguez: City of Hollywood’s ID procedures for attending public meetings skirts open government laws …
Tallahassee Democrat, by Nic Corbett: Tallahassee man faces criminal charge after posting information online about a Tallahassee Police Department officer …
January 17, 2009
Florida Sunshine Review:
Miami Herald/St. Petersburg Times, by Alex Leary: Florida attorney general looking into public records law issues regarding Florida House Speaker Ray Sansom …
Miami Herald/St. Petersburg Times, by Alex Leary: “Minutes” surface from March meeting of House Speaker Ray Sansom and Northwest Florida College officials …
Sarasota Herald-Tribune, by Kim Hackett: Florida’s top law enforcement agency investigating potential Sunshine Law violations involving Venice city officials …
Sarasota Herald-Tribune, by Kim Hackett: Sarasota activist says Venice city officials held back on turning over all e-mails she requested …
The Florida Times-Union, by Tia Mitchell: Does a glass door block the Sunshine at Jacksonville City Council? …
Tallahassee Democrat editorial: Florida’s state lawmakers enjoy cloud cover amid Sunshine rules they apply to others …
South Florida Times, by Elgin Jones: Dania Beach city commissioners may have violated Sunshine Law with private discussions …
Cape Coral Daily Breeze, by McKenzie Cassidy: Interpretation of “special services fee” clouds public records law …
January 12, 2009
Florida Sunshine Review:
Miami Herald, by Amy Sherman: Dania commissioners’ e-mails may have violated the Sunshine Law …
Florida Times-Union, by David Hunt: Florida’s Sunshine Law under review in 2009 …
Highlands Today, by Jim Konkoly: Man sues Highlands County over public records request …
Northwest Florida Daily News, by Kelli Hernandez: Northwest Florida State College president says meeting wasn’t meant to be kept private regarding state House speaker …

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