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January 31, 2007
Investigation reveals criminal pasts of those toting guns: This series by Megan O’Matz and John Maines of the South Florida Sun-Sentinel drives home why the state Legislature’s closing to the public of concealed weapons license holders last year was such a dangerous move. The reporters reviewed licenses granted to carry concealed weapons for the first six months of last year, just before the records went off limits to the public. They then cross-checked license holders with a variety of public records, including felony convictions, warrants, domestic violence injunctions and clemency proceedings. They found those receiving them included more than 1,400 people who pleaded guilty or no contest to felonies, 216 people with outstanding warrants, 128 people with domestic violence injunctions against them, and six registered sex offenders. The series explains how errors and weak laws put concealed weapons in questionable hands throughout the state, which should not comfort anyone, least of all the lawmakers who put public safety at added risk by eliminating the public’s right to know who has a concealed weapon. The series also includes a graphic on counties showing the highest rates of concealed weapons licenses per capita.
January 30, 2007
Records roll out: Police and court documents: Pat Gillespie and Rachel Myers of the Fort Myers News-Press about revelations regarding nine young suspects from 3,000 pages of police and court documents released about a brutal double killing in Cape Coral. The gang’s loyalty appears to dissolve in the course of the investigation …
Internal Revenue Service tax liens and satisfactions, federal Securities and Exchange Commission filings, bankruptcy records, mortgage records: Duane Marsteller of the Bradenton Herald on the long-time financial troubles of embattled builder Construction Compliance Inc. of St. Petersburg …
Foreclosure, lawsuit records: *Pedro Ruz Gutierrez, April Hunt and Erin Ailworth of the Orlando Sentinel on the financial woes of music-entertainment mogul Louis J. Pearlman, (*free registration required) …
Sheriff’s reports, criminal records, Census data: Michael Laforgia of the Palm Beach Post on how cheap assault rifles have become the weapons of choice for gangs and violent criminals in Palm Beach County …
January 29, 2007
Homicide 360: From all angles: This series from The Florida Times-Union – eight months in the making – used a galaxy of records to explore Duval County’s chronic state-leading murder rate. This series included prosecutor case files, police investigative reports, prison records, autopsy findings and many other documents, including juvenile records and pre-sentencing reports typically off-limits to public review but made available to reporters by Duval County Chief Judge Donald Moran for research purposes. The series examined 364 murders over a three-year period. Among other topics, the series explored a revolving door criminal justice system that lets felons off free to commit murder, the rampant availability of illegal guns and how too many killers are getting away with it. The series includes a searchable database on three years of local murders, online video reports and podcasts.
January 28, 2007
Officer praised, ridiculed in ‘shopping cart caper’: Resourceful public records work by Michael A. Scarcella of the Sarasota Herald-Tribune helped bring readers this story about a Bradenton police officer who towed a homeless woman’s shopping cart for 12 miles with one hand while driving with the other. Officer Donald Evans arrested a homeless woman on a warrant for violating a court order and had to take her to jail. But he wasn’t sure what to do with the shopping cart stuffed with all her belongings, including a fully-cooked pig. He tried calling her friends and family who either couldn’t help or wouldn’t. So he used the unusual towing method. Scarcella obtained surveillance video from the jail entrance that showed the officer with the cart, while police radio transmissions chronicled Evans’ call to headquarters and a dispatch log showed the trip took more than an hour. The clever records reporting helped convey a story that drew national attention. Meanwhile, Evans, praised as compassionate by some and careless by others, found himself in a cart-load of trouble with his bosses.
January 27, 2007
Florida Sunshine Review:
*Miami Herald, by Dan Christensen and Patrick Danner: Florida’s public defenders ask the Florida Supreme Court to halt the practice of creating false records in public court files to protect snitches (*free registration required) …
*Miami Herald editorial: Bar the practice of planting falsified documents in court files to protect informants (*free registration required) …
Ocala Star-Banner, by Christopher Curry: Bill would let hospitals shield hunts for chief executive officer …
Daytona Beach News-Journal, By Kenya Woodard: Release of some records in Tanner case approved …
Associated Press: Miami-Dade police erase Michael Vick video after The Atlanta Journal-Constitution requested it under Florida’s public records law …
*Miami Herald, by Dan Christensen: Department of Justice asks the nation’s federal judges to consider blocking online access to plea agreements (*free registration required) …
St. Petersburg Times:Records searchers get online boost from circuit court clerk’s office in Citrus County …
Daytona Beach News-Journal, by Kenya Woodard: Flager officials go to class to learn about open government …
High Springs Herald, by Ronald Dupont Jr.: City manager says Alachua City will become a model city for public records …
St. Petersburg Times, by Kevin Graham: Hillsborough County circuit clerk department head resigns amid a records processing backlog …
January 8, 2007
Florida Sunshine Review:
*Orlando Sentinel, by Nin-Hai Tseng: Flak prompts Lake County leaders close minds about having two days of closed meetings with developers (*free registration required) …
All Headline News, by George McGinn: Crist makes easy and understandable government the law …
Daytona Beach News-Journal editorial: Crist’s first order a promising door to government in the sunshine …
Pensacola News Journal editorial: Crist sets right tone on open government …
January 5, 2007
Records a go-go: Personnel file, investigative report, letter of resignation: Jill Taylor of the Palm Beach Post about a Martin County Sheriff’s Office chaplain who resigned after violating the department’s gift policy by accepting a Harley-Davidson motorcycle …
Florida Department of Law enforcement statistics, county health records: Patty Pensa and Peter Franceschina of the South Florida Sun-Sentinel on how Palm Beach County just had the most homicides in more than a decade …
Notice of intent to sue: *Jay Hamburg of the Orlando Sentinel on a fired marketer for the Orlando-Orange County Expressway Authority putting his old agency on notice that he intends to sue (*free registration required) …
Florida Sunshine Review:
*Miami Herald, by Tania deLuzuriaga: Dade County school board member sues superintendent after claims that he ignored her public records requests (*free registration required)…
Lakeland Ledger, by Rick Rousos: Mulberry public records dispute ventures onto the wild side …
South Florida Sun-Sentinel, by John Kennedy: Crist sets tone early with move on open government …
*Miami Herald, by Mary Ellen Klas and Beth Reinhard: Crist follows up on vow to bolster open government in Florida (*free registration required) …
Pensacola News-Journal, by Aaron Deslatte: Crist creates office for open government …
Panama City News-Herald, by Ryan Burr: Officials disclose financial records …
January 3, 2007
Records in play: Internal affairs report: Allyson Bird of the Palm Beach Post about three Port St. Lucie detectives who lost their jobs over online racial slurs …
Florida Auditor General audit report: Michael Van Sickler of the St. Petersburg Times on an harsh state audit report issued about the Tampa-Hillsborough Expressway Authority …
Court documents, police reports: Lauren Sonis of the Daytona Beach News-Journal on a Palm Coast case involving alleged child abuse of a babysitter caught on a spy cam …
January 1, 2007
Criminals do the darndest things: Public records offer insights into the criminal way of thinking (or lack of it) in this year-end roundup by Bridget Murphy of The Florida Times-Union. This piece is packed with oddball items from Jacksonville-area police reports, including the tale of the 250-pound naked guy pushing a cart down the street, the plight of a woman who pulled up beside a police cruiser and stuck out her tongue (read on to find out why this was really stupid) and a wanted man who should not have chosen police headquarters as the place to be a painter. The public records handbook covers arrest reports on Page 23 and police offense and incident reports on Page 312.
State legislators get head start, submit 290 bills for '07 session: Michael C. Bender of the Palm Beach Post reviewed bills filed by Florida lawmakers to generate this piece about some of the legislation in store for the upcoming legislative session that begins in March. Bills in the pipeline would, among other things, end school grades, require voting machines to produce paper trails and allow Floridians to put their phone number on a no-call list for the campaign season. “While the list is expected to keep growing, chances are slim that many will become part of the Florida Statutes. Last year, legislators introduced 2,480 bills, of which only about 40 percent were approved by the House and the Senate. By this year's holiday season, lawmakers already had filed more than 290 bills for the session that begins in March,” the story notes. Check out the bills for yourself online through the Legislature’s Florida Online Sunshine.

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