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February 25, 2009
Florida Sunshine Review:
Scripps Howard Newspapers editorial: Don’t let Florida lawmakers delete public record with one keystroke …
Sarasota Herald-Tribune, by Kim Hackett: Deal may end Sunshine lawsuit in Venice over e-mail …
South Florida Sun-Sentinel, by Erika Pesantes: Boynton Beach official questions whether e-mails violated the Sunshine Law …
Fort Myers News-Press editorial: Sunshine laws need update for a new era …
Palm Beach Post, by Don Jordan: Boynton commissioners discuss city business through e-mail and out of Sunshine …
Lakeland Ledger: Open government requires e-mails in government be accessible … February 17, 2008
Records keep a rockin’:
Business records of a closed Palm Beach wellness center: Lance Williams of the San Francisco Chronicle taps public records from the Sunshine State about the closed Palm Beach Rejuvenation Center that was dispensing steriods through online transactions that users couldn’t make through more traditional channels ...
School list of hazardous areas for kids walking to school: Christian M. Wade of The Tampa Tribune on how Hillsborough County public schools are struggling to find money to fix areas that pose hazardous walking for public school students ...
Civil lawsuit: CBS4.com of Miami-Fort Lauderdale on a man who sues Wal-Mart after being bitten by snake while shopping in the garden center at a Pembroke Pines store ...
E-mail, school budget: Al Everson of the West Volusia Beacon about the difficulties in making sense of the Volusia County public school system budget ...
February 15, 2009
Florida Sunshine Review:
Associated Press, Jessica Gresko and John Pain: Practice of deleting e-mails by Florida lawmakers contributed to the Sansom controversy …
News Sun of Sebring, by Ed Baldridge: Man uses public records in seeking what was recorded in the courtrooms in Highlands County …
Highlands Today, by Jim Konkoly: Chief judge of 10th Judicial District plan to review policy on having a back-up-audio recording running continuously in courtrooms from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m., even during recess or not being in session …
News Sun of Sebring, by Ed Baldridge: Man seeks public records to learn what was recorded in the courtrooms in Highlands County …
Charlotte Sun, by Elaine Allen-Emrich: Advocates say North Port city commissioner erred in banning comments during a public meeting due to the potential for personal attacks …
St. Petersburg Times Florida Politics “Buzz” blog: Northwest Florida State College trustees defend president’s meeting with former House Speaker Ray Sansom in response to a Florida Attorney General’s Office inquiry …
February 9, 2008
Plane truth: Florida’s Lieutenant Governor Jeff Kottkamp’s trips home are costly for taxpayers: State flight records reviewed by the South Florida Sun-Sentinel’s Josh Hafenbrack, Megan O’Matz and John Maines indicate state taxpayers are racking up big expenses to cover Lt. Gov. Jeff Kottkamp’s plane rides courtesy of the state. Kottkamp billed taxpayers $425,000 for 365 flights on state aircraft during his first two years in office, with two thirds of those flights getting him back and forth to Fort Myers where he and his wife own a home. The reporters also discovered his wife and toddler “flew for free on some two dozen trips, despite rules requiring them to pay. Those flights cost taxpayers $12,974,” the story says. As a result of the Sun-Sentinel’s inquiry, Kottkamp will reimburse the state for his family’s flights.
Records keep a rockin’:
E-mail: The Buzz blog crew at the St. Pete Times on how Northwest Florida State College officials are trying to explain themselves in the wake of Sunshine Law concerns ...
Auditor’s report and backup audit documents: David Damron and Jason Garcia of the Orlando Sentinel on questionable spending by the Orlando/Orange County Convention & Visitors Bureau and a questionable omission by an auditor ...
Funeral home licensing and regulatory records: Curtis Krueger of the St. Petersburg Times on problems at Tampa’s Morning Glory Funeral Chapel ...
Medicaid statistics on pilot program: The Associated Press on problems with a 2-year-old Medicaid privatization program being piloted in Duval and Broward counties. About 25 percent of doctors have left the program ...
February 8, 2009
Florida Sunshine Review:
Miami Herald/St. Petersburg Times, by Alex Leary: Sansom probe turns to secretive college meeting …
Northwest Florida Daily News, by Kelli Hernandez: Northwest Florida State College board of trustees to meet to discuss response to state attorney general’s concerns about board compliance with Sunshine Law …
Northwest Florida Daily News, column by Pat Rice: Northwest Florida State College feeling the heat from the Sunshine Law …
St. Petersburg Times editorial: New report by governor’s commission on open government provides road map for bringing Florida’s strong reputation for Sunshine into the 21st century …
Orlando Sentinel editorial: Follow-through is needed to make public meetings and records more accessible …
Naples Daily News, column by Phil Lewis: Public meeting by computer is coming to Delray Beach …
Sarasota Herald-Tribune, by Kim Hackett: Venice city officials clamp down on access to e-mails …
Sarasota Herald-Tribune, column by Eric Ernst: Open government takes a step back with Venice’s removal of online access to public officials’ e-mails …
Miami Herald, by Kathleen McGrory: Teachers’ union sues for Miami-Dade School Board minutes …
Sarasota Hearld Tribune, by Kim Hackett: Judge halts e-mail search as part of Sunshine Lawsuit in Venice …

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