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HOT!: Catch the latest Florida open government news with The Florida Sunshine Review ...
Open records and meetings links, resources.
December 28, 2005
Florida Sunshine Review:
Palm Beach Post, by Stephen Pounds: Prison Legal News sues to see records of Geo Group, a private company that builds prisons and manages them for the state …
*Miami Herald, by Darron Simon: Federal Communications Commission ban silences illegal radio station in Miramar that didn’t act like a pirate station (*free registration required) …
Bradenton Herald, by Duane Marsteller: Florida Department of Transportation decides to continue releasing information about dangerous roads, intersections and railroad crossings to the media and the public …
December 27, 2005
Felons can be child care workers: Truth can indeed be stranger than fiction. Sherri Ackerman of The Tampa Tribune taps child care licensing records, Florida Statutes and criminal records to report that convicted felons and others with lengthy criminal histories can be licensed to care for children in Florida. “The Florida Department of Children and Families automatically disqualifies child care applicants with certain felony convictions – including murder, sexual assault and child abuse – and those who plead guilty or no contest to particular felony charges regardless of how the case is resolved. A 10-year-old state law, however, allows those applicants to request an exemption to the policy.” The story says some people are appalled by the revelation, although some say it makes sense in some cases. The public records handbook covers day care licensing records on Page 76, criminal records on Page 101 and Florida Statutes on Page 233.
Crist e-mails irk some recipients: E-mails and a press release drive this story by Adam C. Smith of the St. Petersburg Times about how Florida Attorney General and anti-spam crusader Charlie Crist “is annoying Floridians himself by obtaining people's addresses and sending them unsolicited e-mails touting his gubernatorial candidacy and asking for campaign donations.” The Times notes that Crist has been a vocal opponent of spam during his term as attorney general. In a May press release about his efforts to fight unwanted e-mail, Crist said: "Spam is an annoying, intrusive form of e-mail that almost all of us receive but few of us want. Much of it is just clutter, but some of it can be downright offensive." Yet, the Times reported, some state employees recently received this message via e-mail from Crist: "I need your help to spread our message of consistent conservatism - less taxes, less government and more freedom . . . Your donation of $500, $250, $100 or $25 will go a long way toward supporting our efforts." The story says Crist campaign staffers filed a public records request for the e-mail addresses of people who subscribe to the governor's e-newsletter. But the staffers apparently missed some people when they tried to remove all the state employee addresses from the list. The public records handbook covers e-mail records on Page 140.
December 22, 2005
Florida Sunshine Review:
Bradenton Herald, by Erika Rodriguez: Another first in public records for Manatee County Circuit Court Clerk Chips Shore …
Florida Today editorial: Palm Bay City Council should promptly address claims by Councilman Andy Anderson that other members of the council may have violated Florida's open meetings laws …
December 19, 2005
Florida Sunshine Review:
Sarasota Herald-Tribune, by Tom Arthur: Florida Attorney General Crist backs off fight over the media's right to view evidence presented to jurors during Joseph P. Smith's murder trial …
*Vero Beach Press-Journal editorial: Limited information is available through the federal Freedom of Information Act (*free registration required) …
December 12, 2005
Killers among heroes: Digging into public records yields all kinds of public interest stories. In this one, Richard Lardner and Doug Stanley of The Tampa Tribune analyzed cemetery and prison records to reveal “at least 50 veterans who committed homicides in civilian life and are interred at Florida National Cemetery” at Bushnell. Among them are Jackie Lewis Simpson and Bryant William Bowles Jr. “Both served as corporals in the Marine Corps; Simpson during the Vietnam era, and Bowles during World War II and the Korean War. Long after being discharged, each was convicted of first-degree murder and sentenced to a lengthy prison term.” The men are buried among tens of thousands of veterans with honorable pasts, a scenario some federal lawmakers want to eliminate in the future. The story says Congress in coming weeks is expected to pass legislation prohibiting killers such as Simpson and Bowles from being buried in national cemeteries and receiving military honors at their funerals.
Why cops don’t get tickets: Dana Treen of The Florida Times-Union reviewed Jacksonville police and accident records for this story about how Jacksonville police officers at fault in traffic accidents do not face the same punishments as the general public. Records show officers to be at fault in 347 of the 963 accidents involving Jacksonville police from July 2003 to July 2005. But officers are rarely ticketed in those cases and not at all when investigated by their own agency. “In Jacksonville, cases involving officers go to the Safety Board, where punishments escalate from informal counseling to reprimands to loss of driving privileges. Sheriff John Rutherford said the possibility of losing a take-home car or being suspended has a deeper effect than a ticket. Police are also concerned that internal ticket-writing would weaken teamwork within an agency.” Even the Florida Highway Patrol does not issue tickets to local law enforcement officers when they are on the job, leaving those cases to be handled within the department involved. This story also notes policies of surrounding counties and includes a listing of Jacksonville officers at fault in traffic accidents and their punishments. The public records handbook profiles traffic court records on Page 354, traffic crash records on 357 and public employee personnel records on Page 239.
December 9, 2005
Florida Sunshine Review:
Lakeland Ledger, Rick Rousos: State charges 10 Polk County Opportunity Council Board of Directors with violating open government laws and face a $500 maximum fine if convicted …
Lakeland Ledger editorial: No surprise that Polk County Opportunity Council members charged with open government law violation …
The Tampa Tribune, by Mike Salinero: New Web site offers information about the health of Tampa Bay …
December 8, 2005
Florida Sunshine Review:
South Florida Sun-Sentinel, by Robert Nolan and Sean Gardiner: Sun-Sentinel argues case in court for release of Federal Emergency Management Agency records on disaster relief …
December 6, 2005
Florida Sunshine Review:
*Naples Daily News editorial: An important principle on public access regarding evidence in court trials is at stake in Brucia case (*free registration required) …
Sarasota Herald-Tribune, by columnist Michael Pollick: Identity theft protection gives Florida circuit court clerks a big challenge …
December 2, 2005
Just for the records: Police booking video: The Palm Beach Post makes available law enforcement video shots of developer Greg Talbott’s arrival, booking and release at the county jail after being arrested by Boca Raton police. Talbott later claimed he was a victim of police brutality, and Police Chief Andrew Scott has resigned in the wake of ordering Talbott’s release from jail …
Warrant, Florida Department of Law Enforcement records: Molly Moorhead of the St. Petersburg Times about the arrest of a 42-year-old man after a police chase …
Letter, e-mail, corporation records: Brian E. Crowley of the Palm Beach Post on Gov. Jeb Bush re-creating his Foundation for Florida’s Future…
Florida Sunshine Review:
Associated Press: Appeal to full U.S. Supreme Court in works in Brucia photo dispute …
Associated Press: States tighten laws regarding access to autopsy photos …
December 1, 2005
Safety of Florida’s thrill rides in hands of amusement parks: Donna Balancia of Florida Today uses a variety of state and local public records to explore how the state's system for overseeing safety at Florida’s big amusement parks is a voluntary process built on trust. Many people likely aren’t aware that Florida regulates ride safety for carnivals and fairs but that the state’s big name theme parks like Walt Disney World, SeaWorld Orlando and Universal Studios are exempt from state inspections and oversight. “Instead, they abide by a written agreement known as a "memorandum of understanding" with the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services. It calls for the parks to inspect themselves, report mishaps to the state and make an annual presentation on safety issues.” A joint Florida Today/WKMG –Local 6 “review of incident reports and annual state safety meeting minutes from the past four years revealed 63 incidents involving illness, injuries or death ... on various rides.” This story is part of a series that included a look at how competition drives theme parks and an evaluation of G-forces that riders experience on Central Florida's most popular thrill rides complete with a slide show and video. This is the most comprehensive look at theme park regulation in Florida that I’ve seen.
Let those records roll: Internal affairs records, personnel records: Mike Wells of The Tampa Tribune about a 20-year veteran of the Hillsborough County Sheriff's Office chose retirement over termination …
Elevator license certificates: Lyndsey Lewis of the Independent Florida Alligator on elevator inspections at the University of Florida’s Reitz Union building …
Elevator inspection records: Dave Bohman of WTSP-TV in Tampa on elevator inspections in the Tampa Bay area that are long overdue …
9-1-1 emergency tape: Juan Ortega of Florida Today on a 9-1-1 tape that reveals clues to the sequence of events that led to the deaths of Rodney Almand and Jacqueline Almand near Melbourne …
Florida Sunshine Review:
Associated Press, by Bill Kaczor: U.S. Supreme Court justice rejects effort to bar the news media from viewing photos and videotapes used as evidence against the man who killed 11-year-old Carlie Brucia …
Fort Myers News-Press, by Jeff Cull: News-Press and two sister papers in Florida appeal a federal court judge's ruling that the names and addresses of hurricane aid recipients are not public records. …
St. Petersburg Times, by Candace Rondeaux: Defense attorney for the Wharton High School coach accused of having sex with a student says his client won't get a fair trial if the media attention continues …
Ascribe Newswire: National Society of Professional Journalists president from Florida condemns censorship of Tennessee high school student newspaper …

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